Variables in C ++(data types)

  What are the variables?

Is a set of data through it can store types of data among the types they are:

1-integer(int): The int keyword is used to indicate integers. Its size is usually 4 bytes. Meaning, it can store values from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

2-Floating-point(float)used to store floating-point numbers, The size is 4 bytes.

3-Double-point(double): used to store double-point numbers, The size is 8 bytes.

4-character(char): Keyword char is used for characters Its size is 1 byte. Characters in C++ are enclosed inside single quotes (' ') The size is 1 byte.

5-bool: The bool data type has one of two possible values, true or false, The size is 1 byte.

How is storage in the computer?

When you define a variable and a variable name, Komablyr reserves a portion of a variable storage space, such as when you want to book a hotel and ask for a room to reserve a room for you in your own name.
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